How Sweet Are Your Words

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Song Title:
  How Sweet Are Your Words
Song Category:
  Christian P&W
Play Time:
Track Number:
  ASR-10/Ovation Guitar/ Bass/Trombone
Composed By:
  Lisa Chaddock/Kenny Carter
Performed By:
  Kenny Carter


How Sweet Are Your Words

(Lisa Chaddock/ Kenny Carter)

1) How sweet are Your words my Savior 
They are sweeter than honey, sweeter than honey,
How unfailing is Your love my Savior 
You are merciful always, merciful. 

2) How good are Your ways my Savior 
They are clearer than day light, clearer than day light 
How great is Your peace my Savior 
You are calm in the tempest.

Chorus: Through Your commandments I am made wise hallelujah, 
Praise the Lord O my soul 
Through Your Salvation I am made whole hallelujah, 
Praise the Lord O my soul.

Tag: I will praise the Lord as long as I live 
I will sing praises to God 
I will praise the Lord as long as I live 
Every day of my life.

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