Angels and Saints
                  (Lisa Chaddock/ Kenny Carter)

A Voice will cry out in the desert
Like a sigh in the night 
The beloved will hear
Of a time drawing near
When all darkness will be turned into light

The Voice will be glad in the promise
Of the day yet to come
When the weary can rest
And the meek are the blest
 When the life and the Spirit are one.

Our souls will arise up on wings
Much like eagles in flight
We'll run and not tire 
For we carry the fire
Of His Spirit and Life

ke a blossom in the desert
Or the sunsets He paints
Life will be sweet romance
When we join in the dance
Of the Angels and the Saints.

Every color, every hue
Will rise up on His wing
Every mountain, every shore
Resonates to sing to God our King

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